Madeleine Homan Blanchard

Madeleine Homan Blanchard is a Master Certified Coach and cofounder of Blanchard Coaching Services. She is coauthor of Blanchard’s Coaching Essentials training program, and several books including Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest, Coaching in Organizations, and Coaching for Leadership.

  • Irresponsible Colleague Is Taking Advantage of You?  Ask Madeleine

    Irresponsible Colleague Is Taking Advantage of You?  Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, About six months ago, I went above and beyond to help out a new colleague.  He had misread a deadline and needed to scramble to get a bunch of time-sensitive work done over a long...

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  • Disappointed with a New Executive Hire? Ask Madeleine

    Disappointed with a New Executive Hire? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I am a regional president for a global services company. One of my executive team members recently retired, leaving rather suddenly as the result of an unexpected health issue. We...

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  • Need to Influence Senior Leaders about Staffing? Ask Madeleine

    Need to Influence Senior Leaders about Staffing? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I manage a team of customer support specialists. The job requires in-depth knowledge of our products (outdoor/climbing gear, some of it very technical), so we have provided a lot...

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  • Have A Reputation for Being Moody? Ask Madeleine

    Have A Reputation for Being Moody? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I run a rapidly growing not-for-profit. I put together a great board, our fundraising efforts paid off, and I have a great team. In a recent chat, my head of accounting made a...

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  • Not Sure How to Push Back Against Work that Isn’t Yours? Ask Madeleine

    Not Sure How to Push Back Against Work that Isn’t Yours? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I work on a team that has had a lot of turnover in the last couple of years. Although our company is very big, over time I have learned who to call to get things done. I am now...

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  • Too Good a Listener? Ask Madeleine

    Too Good a Listener? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I had a big job and got a lot of manager training early in my working life. Then a series of events (I had a child with special needs, then another one, parents needing care,...

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  • One Surprising Way (That Nobody Tells You) a Coach Can Stand Out in a Sea of Wannabes

    One Surprising Way (That Nobody Tells You) a Coach Can Stand Out in a Sea of Wannabes

    Coaching expert Madeleine Blanchard shares the best way she has found to keep coaching top of mind for people who are drowning in a sea of information, distractions, and mental stimulation.

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  • CEO Is Making A Colossal Mistake—and You’re Holding the Bag? Ask Madeleine

    CEO Is Making A Colossal Mistake—and You’re Holding the Bag? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I am the COO for a medium sized, mostly US-based specialty product business. Our CEO was always the idea guy and I was execution. Our business used to be straightforward, but we...

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  • Teammate Keeps Taking Credit for Your Ideas? Ask Madeleine

    Teammate Keeps Taking Credit for Your Ideas? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I was lucky to land an incredibly cool job right out of school. I am in digital marketing and work on a team that supports influencers and artists, each with their own defined...

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  • Not Sure You Should Be So Career Focused? Ask Madeleine

    Not Sure You Should Be So Career Focused? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I am a young professional woman in the biotech space. I started with one company right out of college and then was recruited away to the company I am with now. I double majored in...

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  • Afraid of Being Labeled a Micromanager? Ask Madeleine

    Afraid of Being Labeled a Micromanager? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, My company offers a lot of classes, and about six months ago I learned SLII®. I have been managing people for about a decade and honestly, learning SLII® changed everything for me....

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  • 5 Questions Professional Coaches Should Never (Ever!) Ask

    5 Questions Professional Coaches Should Never (Ever!) Ask

    One of the big differences between a good coach and a great one is their careful use of language and the quality of their questions.

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  • Think You Made a Terrible Hiring Mistake? Ask Madeleine

    Think You Made a Terrible Hiring Mistake? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I recently hired a new member for my team. She was great in the many rounds of interviews, seemed to have the skills we needed, and was unanimously the first choice of the hiring...

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  • Obsessing Over Losing Your Job? Ask Madeleine

    Obsessing Over Losing Your Job? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I was let go from my last job due to a massive reorganization. I didn’t like it, but my entire department was eliminated so I didn’t take it personally. I got a new job soon...

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  • One of Your Managers Is Nasty to His People? Ask Madeleine

    One of Your Managers Is Nasty to His People? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I have been a student of leadership ever since I became a supervisor in my first job in the early 90s. I am now a VP of services for a collection of call centers across the UK. I...

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  • Team Member Is Overusing PTO? Ask Madeleine

    Team Member Is Overusing PTO? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I manage a team of mostly young people, all of whom manage internal communications for a global manufacturing company. A few years ago the company went to an unlimited paid time...

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  • Procrastinating with a Writing Assignment? Ask Madeleine

    Procrastinating with a Writing Assignment? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I am a marketing director for a medical devices company. I manage all our social media and speaking engagements, which involves a lot of details and spreadsheets with tasks and...

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  • Questioning the Work Ethic of New Hires? Ask Madeleine

    Questioning the Work Ethic of New Hires? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I read your last blog Not Sure How to Address Burnout? with interest. I work in consulting with one of the big five consulting firms. We hire go-getters and work them hard. The...

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  • Technical Genius Needs to Play Well with Others? Ask Madeleine

    Technical Genius Needs to Play Well with Others? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I am a regional president for a global financial services company. About five years ago, I hired a whiz kid to inject some creativity and innovation into our use of technology and...

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  • Not Sure How to Address Burnout? Ask Madeleine

    Not Sure How to Address Burnout? Ask Madeleine

    Dear Madeleine, I’m a tech founder and have developed a tool called “burnout tracker,” which is embedded into our 1:1 tool. Without going into too much detail, the tracker is able to predict when...

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