Join us for Blanchard’s 2024 HR / L&D Trends Survey Results

December 7, 2023 David Witt

The analysis of our 5th annual HR/L&D Trends report is complete! Blanchard surveyed over 1,000 leadership, learning, and talent development professionals to discover how they are dealing with changes in the work environment and what they are doing from an HR and L&D perspective.

Respondents were asked about their top challenges as they navigate a new post-pandemic world with a scarcity of available talent and high employee expectations in a changing work environment.

The survey paints a picture of organizations taking experimental steps forward during a time of accelerated change, and the role leaders play.

On December 13, Dr. Jay Campbell and I will present some of the key findings of the survey. We will look at hiring, retention, and engagement together with top skills, measurement, and the use of artificial intelligence.

One of my favorite parts of the analysis of the Blanchard survey has been evaluating the structured and unstructured response formats. Comparing and drawing from both data sets paints a more complete picture of what respondents are experiencing.

For example, the structured portion of the survey points to an even more challenging recruitment and retention environment—10 points higher than the already elevated levels from 2023. In the open-text sections asking about hiring and retention, survey participants identify creating a brand promise, communicating that brand message in the labor market, and delivering on the promise during the hiring process as important factors in attracting and keeping qualified applicants.

Maintaining high levels of engagement remains an important consideration. One of the primary levers identified in both structured and unstructured responses is encouraging open communication at the individual and organizational level by soliciting feedback and acting on it.

The survey also looked at the skills leaders need now and into the future. In addition to practical skills such as leading and supporting change initiatives, communicating expectations clearly, and driving innovation, participants identify other necessary skills such as empathy, compassion, and the ability to build trust and resilience. Leaders must connect with employee expectations and practice humility while leading with a transparent approach.

The year ahead will be a one-step-at-a-time journey for HR and L&D professionals. In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations face a myriad of challenges that demand strategic adaptation and resilience. The overarching theme of this year’s survey centers on the challenges of navigating an environment characterized by constant change, economic uncertainties, and multifaceted disruptions.

As always, the human factor remains crucial.

To learn more about the landscape that HR and L&D peers are anticipating, join Dr. Jay Campbell and me at our upcoming webinar. We will be sharing results at a high level and all participants will receive access to the entire report.

The event is free—register here!

About the Author

David  Witt

David Witt is a Program Director for Blanchard®. He is an award-winning researcher and host of the companies’ monthly webinar series. David has also authored or coauthored articles in Fast Company, Human Resource Development Review, Chief Learning Officer and US Business Review.

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