Conversational Capacity® Promo Trailer

Honest and open conversations foster teamwork, progress, trust, and just about everything else positive in the workplace. But poor communication derails important initiatives, wrecking morale and torpedoing projects. Conversational Capacity® teaches people how to engage in constructive, learning-focused dialogue when challenging topics or conflicts arise so they can make informed decisions and find the best solutions, even under high pressure. That’s where difficult exchanges become learning opportunities, and unfocused meetings become innovation incubators. Learn more:

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Conversations About Change: Increasing Your Conversational Capacity
Conversations About Change: Increasing Your Conversational Capacity

Bestselling author Craig Weber shares how to develop conversation skills that keep communication open, bala...

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Building Your Conversational Capacity®
Building Your Conversational Capacity®

Craig Weber discusses Conversational Capacity, a critical leadership competency. You’ll learn the impact of...

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