Empower and Inspire: Using SLII® to Bring Out the Best in Others

The ability to adapt your leadership style to meet the evolving needs of your team is more critical than ever. The SLII® model offers a proven framework to achieve this. Join Dr. Vicki Halsey, Blanchard’s VP of Applied Learning, to explore the depths of the SLII® leadership model and how you can apply it to elevate your team's performance and engagement.

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Learn how to effectively transition between the four leadership styles—Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating—to provide the right balance of guidance and autonomy at each stage of your team's development.

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Becoming a Best Boss: Moving from Intention to Action
Becoming a Best Boss: Moving from Intention to Action

Leadership expert Randy Conley will show you how to begin learning and applying the three leadership skills...

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Innovate & Change Together: Transforming Your Workplace At Every Level
Innovate & Change Together: Transforming Your Workplace At Every Level

Learn how each individual can be a catalyst for positive change, and how to use a high-involvement, collabo...

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