“The reorganization brought different groups together to form new teams, and we wanted to give them all a common language to use,” says Beth Eberhardt, senior sales trainer. “SLII® from The Ken Blanchard Companies provided the foundational skills we wanted our people to use to improve communication. We also wanted to measure the results of the training but weren’t sure how to manage that process with our small staff. Our partnership with Blanchard allowed us to design the training and measure the results as well.”
Resources in this Stream

Leadership expert Vicki Halsey shares an easy-to-remember performance management conversation strategy for building strong relationships with team members.

Try this proven three step process if you are serious about wanting to avoid being labeled a micromanager.

When you learn how to adjust your leadership style to match the needs of your people, you will become a trusted leader they will remember as one of their best bosses says Randy Conley.

Leadership isn’t something you do to people; it’s something you do with people says Ken Blanchard.

The SLII® model provides leaders with a way to have work conversations which are useful and purposeful, which is so important when you have a full plate that needs attention says Vicki Halsey.

Do managers need to be more proactive when it comes to providing direction and support to their team members? Flexibly matching your leadership style to the needs of team members is the key.

Trust doesn’t happen by accident; you have to flex your approach to the needs of each team member says leadership expert Randy Conley.

Learn how to improve the quality and quantity of conversations taking place throughout your organization.
Forty years of Blanchard research has proven that the best leadership style is the one that matches the developmental needs of the person you’re working with.

Gain a greater sense of leadership self-awareness, along with practical strategies to increase your effectiveness as a leader.
This study investigates the effectiveness of the four leadership styles of the SLII model, which evolved from initiating structure and consideration.
Hiring and retaining workers is the defining challenge as we move nearer to the post-pandemic workplace.
Blanchard finds that employees want more meetings with their boss, not less.

Goal setting drives performance in the workplace. Collaborate, create stretch goals, give feedback on performance, and hold quarterly check-ins says Doug Glener.

With SLII, managers and direct reports learn how to speak a common language that builds trust and a sense of partnership.
Effective leader behaviors are context-specific, depending on the development level of the follower on a particular goal or task.
Achieve a deeper understanding of the concept of development level and its components.

Authentic conversations go a long way toward building trust and showing people you are on their side says leadership expert Vicki Halsey.

Learn how to help your leaders diagnose development level on new tasks and goals, and how to provide people with the proper amounts of direction and support to get up-to-speed quickly.