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Keeping and Developing High Potential Employees

What’s Working?

Retaining, developing, and advancing high-potential employees is critical to the health and growth of organizations. But figuring out how to do that is not an easy task. During the spring of 2015, researchers at The Ken Blanchard Companies® conducted a survey to explore selection processes, methodology, structure, frequency, training content, and success of high-potential development programs.

Key Findings

  • Of all respondents, 56 percent said their organization has a program in place for developing high-potential employees. And another 8 percent are either actively planning or developing one.
  • Classroom training is most popular with organizations, but Action Learning Projects are listed as an important tool for developing high-potential employees.
  • Executive Coaching is considered to be the most important development item provided to High-Potential Leaders.
  • Face-to-Face classroom training is still the most widely used method for developing leaders.
  • Of respondents who have programs, 59 percent considered their program successful and 33 percent said it was too early to tell. Only two percent said they did not consider it successful.
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