Doug Glener

Doug Glener is the senior copywriter at Blanchard®. He earned a BA in English from Vassar College, is the author of two books, and has written for Harvard Business School, Training Magazine, Chief Learning Officer, The Financial Times, The United Way, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, The Holocaust Museum, The Norwegian Tourist Board, Michael Jackson, and many other renowned individuals and organizations.

  • Seven Ways to Detoxify the Workplace

    Seven Ways to Detoxify the Workplace

    Detoxifying a toxic workplace is difficult, but an effective leader can create a sanctuary of decency and engagement in even the most troubling environment says Doug Glener.

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  • A Conversation on Grace and Innovation

    A Conversation on Grace and Innovation

    Grace is the courage to accept imperfection. It means showing ourselves and others love and acceptance in our imperfect moments and being optimistic in the face of failure.

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  • The Extraordinary Benefits of Leadership Self-Awareness

    The Extraordinary Benefits of Leadership Self-Awareness

    Research shows that self-awareness has more benefits than you might imagine shares Doug Glener.

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  • Taming the Fight-or-Flight Response in the Workplace

    Taming the Fight-or-Flight Response in the Workplace

    Leaders always have a choice. They can create an environment of psychological safety or risk triggering the fight-or-flight response.

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  • Leaders: Take Action During National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    Leaders: Take Action During National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    An equitable workplace benefits everyone. Invest the time to create a welcoming environment for people with disabilities—and watch the transformation happen says Doug Glener.

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  • The Five Must-Read Blanchard Leadership Posts of 2021

    The Five Must-Read Blanchard Leadership Posts of 2021

    Tis the season for lists, and we offer ours: The five must-read blogs of 2021. But our list is a little different. It shines a little light for L&D professionals trying to find their way in 2022....

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  • Five Critical Success Factors for Learning Designs that Work: A Chat with Ann Rollins, Solutions Architect

    Five Critical Success Factors for Learning Designs that Work: A Chat with Ann Rollins, Solutions Architect

    Our world is in transition—and so is the L&D industry. That makes insight on designing effective learning experiences for a hybrid work environment invaluable. Our 2022 Trends Report, which was...

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  • 2022 Learning and Development Trends: 3 Key Insights

    2022 Learning and Development Trends: 3 Key Insights

    What’s keeping L&D professionals awake at night? How has the pandemic effected our ability to learn? What awaits in 2022? We asked these questions to 800+ L&D professionals in an October 2021...

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  • A Look Inside the Leadership Point of View Experience

    A Look Inside the Leadership Point of View Experience

    In a perfect world, your leaders are inspiring, people know how to succeed, and everyone is engaged. In the real world, leaders are a source of tension, people aren’t sure what to do, and...

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  • How Sales Managers Can Help New Hires

    How Sales Managers Can Help New Hires

    The Great Resignation. The Great Attrition. The Mass Exodus. The historic turmoil taking place in today’s workplace has been given many names—and for good reason. According to the U.S. Bureau of...

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  • SLII® for Sales: How to Turn a Struggling Salesperson into a Peak Performer

    SLII® for Sales: How to Turn a Struggling Salesperson into a Peak Performer

    A real life example of how The Ken Blanchard Companies SLII leadership development program helped accelerate the development of a struggling salesperson.

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