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Fueling Pharma's Future: The Pivotal Role of Inspired Leadership

The pharmaceutical industry faces many challenges such as fierce competition for talent, high turnover rates, and the significant cost of employee replacement. Burnout, frustration, lack of recognition, poor communication, and a disconnection from the company’s mission are just some of the drivers of turnover.

Learn how leading pharmaceutical companies are investing in leadership development to create engaged, passionate employees who drive organizational success.

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Keeping Your Best People from Resigning During the Great Resignation
Keeping Your Best People from Resigning During the Great Resignation

by Doug Glener and Dr. Victoria Halsey Quitting your job for a new one is the new normal. Almost 4 million ...

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Don’t Stigmatize Your Learners
Don’t Stigmatize Your Learners

Dr. Vicki Halsey shares how people go through four distinct learning stages when working on any task or goal.