Self Leadership Collaborative Online is a learning journey that teaches the mindset and skillset your people need to become proactive self-starters and take control of their development.
Resources in this Stream
The research shows that anything leaders do in a face-to-face environment, they need to do more of—and better—in a virtual environment.
A recent study by Blanchard revealed that only 15% of new managers received any training prior to switching into the role of manager.
The results of our latest poll of leadership, learning, and talent development professionals shows how much post-pandemic work policies are evolving.
The cost of a struggling salesperson to a company are steep, but the benefits soar when using the right leadership style.
Research shows 75 percent of teams are dysfunctional because the organization lacks a systematic approach for supporting them.
The SLII framework holds that no single-best leadership style exists.
Mastering the art of leading change doesn’t need to be mysterious or complicated. But acknowledging that people go through predictable and sequential stages of concern can help your organization.
What you need to ask and know about online learning. More than eighty percent of organizations use elearning to deliver training content.
Poor customer service has a direct impact on the bottom line.

Managers must be Able, Believable, Connected, and Dependable

Explores how a lack of self leadership can derail your organization's success. Create a workforce of proactive self leaders.
The results of a study conducted by Blanchard® and Training magazine suggest that leaders are falling short in meeting the expectations of their direct reports.