For most, if not all organizations, their employees are their number one asset. This makes the wellbeing, the engagement of employees very important. Why? Because engaged employees are passionate about their work. They strive to provide superior customer service, solve problems, and find innovative approaches.
A great way to generate a significant positive affect on employee engagement is through individualized attention and one way to get started is through coaching.
Every employee in an organization is different. Coaching is a wonderful way to give employees individualized, customized attention. Coaching is uniquely tailored for the person being coached. A coach works with an individual to understand what make them tick—to understand the employee’s own strengths and work passion. Coaching helps to draw out employees’ ideas and opinions and helps employees to discover how to best make their own contribution. It makes employees feel valued and appreciated. All this attention gets employees to engage more in their own career.
Is engagement an issue in your organization? Consider some of these ways a coach provides individualized attention to those they serve.
A coach:
- Takes the time to build rapport with those they coach to get a sense of who they are, not just what they do. Great rapport often increases employees’ motivation to work hard in their role and on the goals of the organization.
- Values employees’ contributions and cares about their professional success. This in turn often empowers them to take more ownership of their own continued development.
- Cares about the individual, working with them to understand their strengths and foster greater development.
- Checks in with those they coach to see what is working, what isn’t, and what might the employee do different in the future.
Coaching gets clients to engage more in their role, their development, and the goals of the organization. When employees receive coaching, they feel positively supported and valued by their organization which in turn generates and builds more engagement.
Engagement has been shown to increase retention, innovation, and performance, and as a byproduct, revenue. What organization wouldn’t welcome that?
When people feel that their manager cares about their development their commitment and energy increases. This leads to growth, increases their confidence, and helps them to reach their full potential. Use a coach approach to individualize attention, either by hiring outside coaching or developing those capabilities in-house. Individualized attention pays off for the individual and the organization.
About the Author

Joanne Maynard is a senior coach with The Ken Blanchard Companies’ Coaching Services team. Since 2000, Blanchard’s 130 coaches have worked with over 14,500 individuals in more than 250 companies throughout the world. Learn more at Blanchard Coaching Services.
About the Author
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